AMAZON MONSTERS – Deadliest Creatures Found In Amazon River

Amazon Monsters

Here are some of the deadliest Amazon monsters. AMAZON MONSTERS – Here are some of the most dangerous and deadliest creatures which can be found living in the Amazon river. The Amazon houses numerous species and some of it are among the most dangerous in the world. And the Amazon river the largest drainage system in the … Read more

AMAZON RAINFOREST – What Will Happen If We Lose Amazon?

Amazon Rainforest

What Will Happen If We Lose Amazon Rainforest? AMAZON RAINFOREST – The Earth’s lungs is in massive flame right now and what could probably happen if we lost the Amazon Rainforest? The Amazon Rainforest based on a previous article is currently on massive fire and the smoke is already visible in space according to National … Read more

AMAZON RAINFOREST – Most Dangerous Discoveries In Amazon

Here are some of the most dangerous discoveries in Amazon rainforest. AMAZON RAINFOREST – Here are some of the most dangerous and most unique animals found at the Amazon, the Earth’s largest rainforest. The Amazon rainforest can be found in South America and covers 2.1 million square miles of land where Brazil has 60%, Peru … Read more

Leonardo DiCaprio Donates $5 Million To Save Burning Amazon Rainforest

leo dicaprio Amazon fires 1

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation Pledges $5 Million For Amazon Rainforest LEONARDO DICAPRIO – Hollywood actor, philanthropist, and environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio donated $5 million to save the burning Amazon rainforest. The rainforest in Amazon has been burning for weeks now. The President in Brazil Jail Bolsonaro claimed that the non-governmental organizations are the one who set the … Read more

Amazon Fires: Brazil President Suggest NGOs To Blame, Here’s Why

Amazon Fires Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro

Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Blames NGOs for Amazon Fires AMAZON – Here is the reason why the Brazilian President blamed the non-governmental organization (NGO) for the Amazon fire. The rainforest of Amazon is one of the world’s most important barricade against climate change. The jungle is a tropical moist forest that is perfect for animals … Read more