Philippine Earthquake Vulnerability: Marikina Valley Fault Ready to ‘Give In’ According to Geologist and CNN News

Marikina Valley Fault line

In April of last year, the Philippine capital was able to document a report regarding its vulnerability to earthquake making CNN as a source. All attentions were caught when the 8.9 magnitude quake recently destroyed most areas of Japan. With this, speculations were formed within the minds of the Filipinos asking about who would be … Read more

Philippine Nuclear Rain: A Hoaxed Text Message

Hoax text regarding radiation reaching the Philippines

The possibility of nuclear rain is far from happening in the Philippines. This was the latest development in contrast to the circulated text messages that the Philippines will experience a nuclear rain. Department of Science and Technology Secretary Montejo have confirmed the report that the circulated text message was a hoax. He was quoted as … Read more

Bahrain Protest Worsen; Face-to-Face Shooting Incident Captured in Video

bahrain protest

Bahrain’s demonstrators are trying to occupy ‘Manama’s Banking Center’ on Sunday. Police authorities firing teargas and rubber bullets to neutralize the situation as protesters spread to the strategic ‘Gulf State’s Business Hub’, said the witnesses. The clashed between demonstrator and police authorities were getting worst. Policemen were using teargases and rubber bullets against more than … Read more

Fukushima’s Second Explosion of Nuclear Power Reactor Building

Japan's Nuclear Plant Explosion

The failure of the cooling system was the main reason of the recent explosion at Reactor 3 of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant facility, an unprecedented incident that moved closer to a possible meltdown of the nuclear reactor. It was the second explosion on three days following the partial meltdown of reactor 1 that also exploded … Read more

IAEA’s Update on Fukushima’s Nuclear Incident

IAEA's Press Released Regarding Nuclear Incident in Japan

The International Atomic Energy Agency, have released it’s latest updates on the development regarding the nuclear incident in Japan. The IAEA was an international organization which seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy. The IAEA’s update on the latest development was an (–foul word(s) removed–)urance that there was no nuclear meltdown in the … Read more

Philippines: HIV Preadolescent Victims grows vast

Philippines: HIV Preadolescent Victims grows vast

In this generation nowadays, Teenagers are more liberated compared to the past years; if you’re going to notice. Despite of all the sex education which is being taught and Implemented to the students which was approved by the government that aims to let everyone know its negative effects especially to youth, still it doesn’t work. … Read more

Alert level is gone: Villagers return to their houses

Tsunami waves in Japan

Local Residents Living in the coastal area returned to their homes yesterday. After the 8.9 magnitude earthquake that strike in Japan last Friday, which causes tsunamis destroying millions of properties and killing hundreds of lives. Authorities in the Philippines have warned people living in the coastal area to evacuate immediately seconds after the disaster. Making … Read more

Google helps the victims in Japan


Victims of earthquake in Japan are being helped by Google through launching a version of Person finder service. This service of Google has been proven to be useful for so many times in locating and gathering information about the victims of different disaster. Google aids earthquake victims in Japan through its Person Finder website that … Read more