9 Types of Intelligence based on Howard Gardner’s Theory

Types of Intelligence Howard Gardner's Theory

TYPES OF INTELLIGENCE – You can check the details below about the theory of psychologist Howard Gardner about “Multiple Intelligence”. Nowadays, a lot of people recognize that academic intelligence is not the only proof of the wit of a person. It is because of the theory of psychologist Howard Garner about “Multiple Intelligence”. According to … Read more

12 Labors of Hercules in Order – Greek Mythology

12 Labors of Hercules in Order

List of 12 Labors of Hercules in Order in Greek Mythology Tale 12 LABORS OF HERCULES IN ORDER – Here is a summary of the labors of the most famous hero in Greek Mythology. Many people are fond of the tales in Greek Mythology. There are stories about love, hatred, and journey to different fictional … Read more

Indefinite Pronoun Meaning & Its Examples

Indefinite Pronoun Meaning

INDEFINITE PRONOUN MEANING – You can check the details below for the function of this type of pronoun in a sentence. There are several parts of speech in English and they are among the foundation lessons in learning English. A better understanding of these such as the nouns, pronouns, adjectives, etc. can help gain an … Read more

Story of Oedipus in Greek Mythology

Story of Oedipus in Greek Mythology

Summary of the Story of Oedipus in Greek Mythology STORY OF OEDIPUS – Here is a summary of the tale about the King of Thebes who was fated to marry his own mother. Greek Mythology is filled with a lot of stories about gods and goddesses, nymphs, demigods, titans, kings, and humans. Although these tales … Read more

Adjectives Meaning & Examples of this Part of Speech

Adjectives Meaning

ADJECTIVES MEANING – You can read the details below for the definition and examples of adjectives which is one of the parts of speech. There are several parts of speech and they are among the most basic topics in learning English. Mastering the parts of speech will make a lot of the succeeding topics easier … Read more

Common Nouns Meaning & the Examples of this Type

Common Nouns

COMMON NOUNS – Below are the meaning and the example of this type of noun and some sample sentences with nouns of this kind. Almost all the parts of speech in English have their kinds and types. For nouns, one of its main types is the Common Nouns. It is best to understand its nature … Read more

Orpheus and Eurydice Summary of Greek Mythology Tale

Orpheus and Eurydice

Orpheus and Eurydice Summary of Love Story ORPHEUS AND EURYDICE SUMMARY – Here is a tale of the love story of the greatest lyre player with a beautiful woman in Greek Mythology. Many people across ages love reading about the Greek Mythology stories. While they are fictional, there are lessons that you can get from … Read more

Proper Nouns Meaning & the Examples of this Type

Proper Nouns

PROPER NOUNS – You can check the meaning of this type of noun below as well as some of the examples under it. Among the most important basic topics in English are the types of nouns — one of them is the Proper Nouns which has its own nature. Understanding this topic can affect the … Read more