Goldman Sachs Invested in Facebook

Goldman Sachs one of the world’s most prominent global investment banking and securities firm that is known for providing large-scale mergers and acquisitions have already invested in Facebook. They invested $450 million. Facebook also got another investments from Russia’s Digital Sky Technologies worth $50 million. In a New York Times story, Facebook is now worth … Read more

Russia and China’s Communist Link Reopen

Russia and China Pipeline

Russia and China have one thing in common they are both communist countries and during the cold war, the links between them have been closely monitored by western democracies. These two neighboring countries which shared the same beliefs in terms of government had developed a closed relationships. The Cold War in which democracies prevailed and … Read more

Western Spy Drone Shot Down By Iran

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps or simply Revolutionary Guards which main role is in national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran have made headlines by claiming that they have shot down western spy planes. In an interview with the Fars News Agency, Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, air force commander stated that the aircraft was … Read more

Christian Church Bombings on New Year’s Eve

Christian Church at Egypt Bombing

The Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria Egypt, considered as the largest Christian Church in Egypt was under attacked by unknown perpetrators. The deadliest  attacked happened right after the New Year’s M(–foul word(s) removed–), 30 minutes after the m(–foul word(s) removed–) while others are busy welcoming the New Year. The bomb exploded outside the Saint Mark … Read more

Facebook Dethroned Google

For the past few years Google dominated the web as the top destinations in terms of number of visits, different companies tried to catch up with them but none have succeeded. Google seems to be invincible, but not for the young man who brought a different approach in searching for information. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook … Read more

Cory Booker’s Useful Use of Social Media

People are, in forward for different methods that could bring them a thorough communication with others beyond the globe and this can only be done through technology; the great factor? The use of internet as what the Social Media is now apprehending. Social Media doesn’t only bring communication, its existence brings about the real situations happening … Read more

Cell Phone Holograms will be possible in 5 Years

IBM hologram

Holography which was invented by Hungarian-British scientist Dennis Gabor in 1947 have made significant progress for the last few years. By the advent of lasers this technique that allows the light scattered from an object and reconstructed later to form a three dimensional object had been used in various science fiction movies. Not until now … Read more

WikiLeaks founder in dire need of cash

Julian (–foul word(s) removed–)ange the founder of the whistle blowing sites wikiLeaks that released confidential information in the internet have just signed a multi-million dollar book deal worth more than $2.7 million to be published in both the US and UK and will be serialized in newspaper. His autobiography will be the primary subject in … Read more

Indian Rocket Explodes After Launch

For the past few years there had been a number of incidents in the history of space explorations and India the second most populous country in the world with over 1.2 billion inhabitants and considered as the youngest member of the elite space exploring countries is not exempted at all. After the phenomenal success of … Read more

Top Ten Christmas Greetings In Different Languages

Christianity is one of the world’s most dominant religion with 2.2 billion adherents it represents about a quarter to a third of the world’s population. Right now people from almost every part of the world are celebrating the Christmas holiday. The Christmas spirit is much alive and real despite all the commercialism and even negative … Read more