14 Davao City Hall Employee Arrested for Drinking While in Duty

14 Employee from Davao City Hall Arrested After Caught Drinking While in Duty

DAVAO CITY- fourteen (14) employee working from the City Hall of Davao were arrested after caught having drinking session while in duty.

Davao City Hall’s fourteen staff members were caught in the act of drinking alcoholic beverages even during work hours, and there was a liquor ban implemented in the city.

Davao City Employee Arrested

According to the report of Abante, on Tuesday afternoon, the workers, all from the City Engineer’s Office, were found drinking inside the motor pool compound in Brgy. Ma-a.

Following the arrest of the employees, Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte warned against government personnel violating the city’s alcohol ban and those holding Christmas parties during the pandemic.

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The liquor ban was reinstated on November 2 after it was discovered during contact tracing in Davao City that COVID-19 is contagious from drinkers and bars. The ban is effective until December 31.

Meanwhile, The Department of Health (DOH) warned the public to avoid alcoholic drinks to maintain the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine. Russian health officials advised the public to stop alcohol intake about two weeks before receiving the Sputnik V vaccine

The vaccine recipients should also avoid any alcoholic beverages 42 days after the vaccination. Drinking would cause a drop in the body’s immune system, which could weaken the body’s resistance.

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