Netizen Shares Last Message from Son Before Passing: “Jesus is Real”

Netizen Shares Son’s Last Message Before Giving His Last Breath

SUPERNATURAL EXPERIENCE – A male netizen has shared the last message from his son before passing “Jesus is Real”.

The afterlife is a concept or belief that consciousness or the soul continues to exist in some form after the physical death of the body. Different cultures, religions, and philosophies have varying interpretations of what the afterlife brings.

In many religious traditions, particularly in Christianity, Islam, and some branches of Judaism, the afterlife is divided into places of reward (heaven) and punishment (hell). Good deeds and faith lead to eternal happiness in heaven, while sinful behavior leads to suffering in hell.


Recently, a Facebook user named Joel Sia, touched the hearts of the online community after sharing the hair-raising last message of his son, Jonathan, a few moments before he passed away.

Joel explained what happened in his son’s last moments. His son, Jonathan, seemed to see someone but couldn’t describe it. Joel gave him a pen and paper to write down what he wanted to say.

Even though Jonathan was very weak and his hands were shaking, he managed to write the words “Jesus is Real.” This happened just before the nurses declared a ‘code blue,’ indicating a medical emergency.


Sia was amazed that the message was clear despite Jonathan’s weak condition. He believes that Jonathan saw Jesus in his final moments. Joel’s wife, Aidy, also saw a bright light and felt she saw a hand holding their son, lifting him up as he smiled.

Many people shared their condolences, prayers, and personal experiences. The story of Jonathan’s last message has touched many hearts, providing comfort to those who believe in the afterlife.

Previously, a TikToker surprised by voice calling her name while alone at home

Here is the full post:

“Before my son Jonathan was resucitated.. he signalled to me as if he is seeing someone.. but i can’t understand him.. so i gave him a paper and a pen to write down what he wants to tell me.. but i couldn’t read his writing.. he is so weak already and shaking and can’t hold the pen properly.. but before the nurses called code blue.. he was able to write this Jesus is real.. and it amazed me because it is so clearly readable.. and i believe he saw Jesus coz Aidy my wife seen a bright light.. and a hand holding my son ascending.. and he was smiling”

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