Bus Conductor Who Allegedly Shouts at Female Passenger Asking for Her Change Summoned by Vallacar Transit Inc.
Vallacar Transit Inc. summoned and probed a conductor accused of shouting at a passenger who asked for change.
Jade Marquez, the media and relations officer of Vallacar Transit Inc., has announced that they have summoned the conductor accused of shouting at a passenger who asked for change to investigate the matter further.
Miles Villaruz, a Facebook user, reached out to the manager of the Bacolod South Branch of Vallacar Transit Inc. to address the issue at hand. Her post quickly circulated online and garnered various reactions from the netizens.

Marquez advised Villaruz to visit the Bacolod South Branch of Vallacar Transit Inc. to meet with the said conductor and file a formal complaint. The company’s officer condemned the actions of the conductor and assured that appropriate action would be taken against any misconduct by their employees.
It can be recalled that Villaruz expressed her disappointment on social media after being shouted at by a conductor when he requested change for his fare on the Ceres bus.

Here is the full post:
“Grabe kaman nong ba kwarta ko nagid ako pa ma pakitluoy, ang pasahero pa gali ang ma adjust sinyo ya? Dapat gane gina amuma niyo pasahero niyo!
Gina pako gahambal simo nga manaog ko backup6 kapila tanaman ka i remind kay kwarta ko 200 nag hambal nagid ko simo nong nga malate na ko kung ceres terminal pa ko manaog. Pero ano sabat mo saakon?
Akig kapa kag bastos ka wala kapa respeto sa babahe. Biskan ga kurog ko gina punggan ko lang self ko kay may respeto ko simo bilang kundoktor sang ceres pero bastos ka gid ya singgitan moko kag gaan singkwenta hambalon mo pako ara batona nga kulang kay ga dali ka. Nami na bala?”
(It’s unbelievable how you insist on getting my money when it’s supposed to be the passenger who’s accommodated, right? You should be treating your passengers well!
I even repeatedly reminded you that I will alight in backup6, I even told you several times that my fare is only 200 pesos and that I mentioned that I might be late if I alight at the Ceres terminal. But what was your response to me? You were angry and rude, you had no respect for women. Even though I was trembling, I just restrained myself because I respect you as a Ceres conductor but you were so rude to shout at me and say that fifty pesos is not enough because you’re in a hurry. Isn’t that enough?)
The social media users expressed their reactions to the post: