Young Man Moves Girlfriend’s Parents to Tears

Young Man Moves Girlfriend’s Parents to Tears

A young man goes viral and elicits comments from the netizens after moving his girlfriend’s parents to tears.

A heartwarming story captured the emotional moment when a young man, Jodel Talabis, bravely faced his girlfriend’s parents to express something important. The video garnered various reactions online.

What began as laughter eventually turned into tears. Jodel Talabis stood in front of the camera, accompanied by the parents of his girlfriend, Danica Calizo. Jodel brought them to tears after he asked for their blessing.

Young Man

Jodel shared that he recorded the video before proposing to Danica. He intended to show her that he sought her parents’ approval. This wasn’t the first time Jodel had met Danica’s parents.

Hihingi ko na ang kamay ni Danica,” Jodel said.

The girl’s parents advised him not to hurt their daughter. Jodel also sought permission when he planned to court Danica. The two met at work, and while Jodel initially planned to resign, his mind changed when he met Danica.

Young Man

“Ipapakita ko lang sana po kay Danica na nagpaalam po ako sa kanila kasi alam ko pong itatanong niya sa akin kung nagpaalam po ako sa parents niya,” Jodel explained.

Initially shy in courting, the young man showed bravery in facing Danica’s parents. Danica expressed admiration for Jodel’s genuineness.

“Nung nakita ko na ipinagpaalam niya ako sa parents ko nung manliligaw pa lang siya, doon ko nakita kung gaano siya ka-genuine as a person,” Danica said.

Jodel also had a message for Danica’s parents: “Thank you for giving me her hand. Here’s her hand, with a ring,” Jodel said.

In a previous post, a seaman captures hearts of netizens over surprise marriage proposal to girlfriend

The online community admired Jodel’s respect for his girlfriend’s parents. Here are some of the comments from netizens regarding their story.

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