DSWD Medical Cash Assistance Ready To Assist Qualified Filipinos Financially

Guide on DSWD Medical Cash Assistance Offer for Indigent Filipinos

DSWD MEDICAL CASH ASSISTANCE – Filipinos in dire need of financial help due to medical situations may turn to the Department of Social Welfare and Development.

Undeniably, medical situations are among those that can really be devastating not only emotionally but as well as financially. Countless people are not financially-ready to deal with any medical situation as even just a hospital confinement over an illness that can easily be treated.

Truth be told that hospital confinements nowadays even for the case of curable illnesses cost thousands unless you would avail the different assistance offers of the different public and private entities. There are offices that offer medical assistance and health programs.

With regards to a medical assistance, one of the entities that you may turn to is the Department of Social Welfare and Development or more popularly called DSWD.

The DSWD has several programs and assistance offers that benefit the poor individuals although it also has offers that are open even for those who have a much better financial status in life. One of these programs is the Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situations.

More popularly called AICS, the Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situations holds a lot of offers which include the DSWD Medical Cash Assistance. It was intended to help Filipinos who are dealing with financial needs due to a medical situation.

The AICS specifically wants to target individuals who cannot pay for their medical expenses or have no means to do so under its Medical Assistance offer. The amount offered by the social welfare department under it varies based on these two (2) considerations:

  • case of the patient
  • income and assets of the family

The Department of Social Welfare and Development can extend up to Php 10,000 to individuals in needed due to a medical situation depending on its assessment. Through the amount, the government office wants to help the patient in dealing with the following expenses:

  • Hospital Bill
  • Laboratory or Medical Operation
  • Purchase of Medicine and Assistive Device
Photo Credit: PIA

However, it is important to note that not everyone may qualify to the DSWD Medical Cash Assistance offer. The government agency has set qualifications under its aid like in its other assistance offers.

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