Chinese Vessels Destroy Coral Reefs in WPS, Still Persistent despite 2016 Loss

How will the PH Government Move over the Coral Reefs Destruction in WPS?

Even the United States have already expressed alarm over the coral reefs being destroyed in the West Philippine Sea by Chinese vessels — still assertive of their claim.

It has been decades already since the Philippines and China each pushed for claims over the West Philippine Sea. The Chinese government even cited their “nine dash line” as they claim ownership over the disputed island.

Coral Reefs in West Philippine Sea
Photo Credit: Marine Insight

In 2016, the arbitral tribunal ruled in favor of the Philippines. The ruling overrode the “nine dash line” rule of China but not once did the Chinese government show honor to the arbitral ruling. In fact, it continued to build its force on the disputed island.

While the Philippines is after diplomatic resolutions of the territorial dispute, I believe China is defeating the country without even declaring a war against the Filipinos. It has created artificial islands in the West Philippine Sea, specifically on Subi Reef.

Unfortunately, aside from China boosting its security apparatus in the disputed territories, its activities are also damaging the natural wealth in the island. Coral reefs that will take several years to recover were reportedly damaged by the Chinese vessels.

A few days ago, the United States has already expressed alarm over the destruction of the coral reefs in the West Philippine Sea. US Ambassador MaryKay Carlson stressed that “habitat damage harms ecosystems and negatively affects lives and livelihoods”.

The US Ambassador further expressed that the United States is working with its partner allies to protect the natural resources of the Philippines. The question are, how will the Philippine government move over the matter? Why China moves at the expense of the natural wealth in the island it claims to own? What’s next?

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