Sweetpotato One Word

Is it sweetpotato one word or “sweet potato” with space?

SWEETPOTATO ONE WORD – Are you wondering if it is really “sweetpotato” with no space or is it “sweet potato” with a space forming two (2) words?

Undeniably, the English language is one of the trickiest languages across the globe. Have you noticed how you can read the “gh” in the word “laugh” with the sound of the letter “F” but you can’t do the same thing with the word “thorough”?

Furthermore, you can read the word “Science” differently from the -science in the word “conscience”. Tricky isn’t it? However, do you know that the challenge with the English language is not simply about reading words that end in the same letters but are read differently? It also happens in spelling.

Sweetpotato One Word

Spellings of certain words in the English language have acquired changes and many will surely be surprised that some common words are spelled nor syllabicated not exactly the way it should be compared to the original spelling or syllabication.

Are you wondering if sweetpotato is only one word? You might be surprised but yes – it is originally a single term with no space in the middle dividing it to “sweet potato”.

The National Sweetpotato Collaborators Group recognized sweetpotato as one word. Based on UCdavis, the same recognition was made by the National Sweetpotato Association in 1989. Both organizations endorsed the said spelling of the plant belonging to the bindweed. It was during the 50th anniversary meeting of the National Sweetpotato Collaborators Group in Nashville, Tenesse when they adopted the one-word spelling of the vegetable. It originated in Central or South America.

Meanwhile, it is not bad to spell the vegetable as two words or “sweet potato”. The lexicon American English has adopted the two-word version and the same thing with several other dictionaries.

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