Evaluation On Face-To-Face Classes Deemed Time Allotment Too Short
FACE-TO-FACE CLASSES – Following an evaluation report from teachers conducting in-person classes, the time allotment for each class was deemed too short to maximize.
As such, the Department of Education (DepEd) said that they want to review the time given for each class. According to an article from GMA, DepEd undersecretary Nepomuceno Malaluan said:
one observation they have is that the time that we have allotted for the face-to-face classes is too just short to maximize

For teachers, the three hours used to teach kindergarten and the four hours for higher grade levels were simply “not enough”. Moreover, the education undersecretary adds that this becomes more emphasized in far-to-reach areas.
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, the Philippine education system shifted toward modular and distance learning. But, as more and more people are inoculated versus COVID-19, the Philippines is slowly re-testing in-person classes.
In November, at least 100 public schools and 20 other private schools began their pilot test of face-to-face classes. Luckily, there were no COVID-19 cases reported a week into its launch.
Still, several concerns echo throughout DepEd and other agencies. Malaluan said that they need to review the time allotment with counterparts from the Department of Health (DOH).
But, with teachers having to conduct both distance and in-person classes, many look at it as a massive disadvantage for teachers.
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