Australia Quarantine Accommodation & Rules To People From PH Sparks Reactions

Netizens React to Australia Quarantine Accommodation & Rules To People from PH

AUSTRALIA QUARANTINE – The quarantine accommodation and rules set by the Australian government to people from PH sparked reactions.

Currently, more than 200 countries across the globe are fighting against the spread of the 2019 coronavirus or COVID-19. The said disease has infected over 2 million people worldwide.

Unfortunately, more than 160,000 people now have lost the fight against coronavirus. The said disease was first recorded in China last December 2019 where it infected over 81,000 people and killed at least 3,300 people.

Now, United States is the country with the most number of confirmed COVID-19 cases. Over 700,000 people in U.S. were infected by the disease.

To fight the spread of COVID-19, countries with confirmed cases now are implementing protocols like quarantines and some rules when people from another nation arrive in their place.

Recently, on social media, netizens reacted to the Australia quarantine accommodation and the rules set for those people from the Philippines. Based on the post on The Philippine Times (Australia), those who arrived were Australians and Filipino-Australians.

The 363 Australias and Filipino-Australians arrived in Melbourne. Based on the post, they are quarantined in Crown Plaza Hotel Melbourne, a 4.5 star hotel in Australia’s capital.

Aside from the Australia quarantine accommodation, the Victorian State Government is offering three (3) meals daily to the people under quarantine. It is left outside their hotel room doors.

Based on the post, security guards are on the corridors guarding the place. The 363 people who came from PH are not allowed to leave their room and as well as to order food.

As of this writing, the said Facebook post has reached 140 shares on social media. Here are some of the comments on the post:

Australia 1
Screengrabbed: Facebook/The Philippine Times (Australia)

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