Barangay Libis Holds Parade For Frontliners Despite Lockdown

Barangay Libis Holds Parade, Failed To Adhere To Social Distancing Amid Lockdown

BARANGAY LIBIS HOLDS PARADE – Supporting our frontliners is one of the most patriotic thing to do in this time of crisis.

However, what’s unpatriotic is completely failing to follow the #1 rule in preventing the virus’ spread – staying at home. Furthermore, both authorities and health care experts emphasized the importance of social distancing.

But, despite all of this, the local government in Barangay Libis not only approved a parade but also participated in it. Certainly, it’s important to thank our frontliners as they battle COVID-19, but this is not the way to do it.

Barangay Libis Holds Parade For Frontliners Despite Lockdown
Image from: Ghian Vlogz

In a video posted by Gian Vlogz on YouTube, you could see a people marching on the streets cheering and waiving. All of them were wearing face masks but still their parade attracted a huge crowd.

And, during a viral pandemic, the last thing you would want is a huge gathering of people. The new coronavirus had been spreading at an exponential rate and has now infected almost every corner of the globe.

Although, they did provide our frontliners with a “much-needed” dance number as a tribute to their sacrifice to the country. Meanwhile, as they were dancing to a “chipmunked” version of “Fight Song” people got out of their homes to watch.

Barangay Libis Holds Parade For Frontliners Despite Lockdown
Image from: Ghian Vlogs

Surely, everybody is entitled to have some sort of relief from all of the stress this pandemic has brought. However, the actions of the Barangay did completely undermines the reason why the lockdown was done in the first place

Right from the start, even fronliners themselves have repeatedly said: “Stay At Home“. But, when officials themselves fail to do so, this is where big problems begin to arise.

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