Pres. Duterte OKs to Extending Luzon COVID-19 Quarantine
DUTERTE – Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte approved the extension of the Luzon-wide quarantine due to COVID-19.
The Philippines is one of the countries with confirmed cases of coronavirus and the authorities are encouraging everyone to stay at home. It is for the purpose of limiting the movements of the people which is a way to curb the spread of the infection.
According to the Department of Health (DOH), the total Philippine coronavirus cases now is at 3,660 after a 414-increase yesterday. A total of 163 patients of COVID-19 have died of the disease as of this writing.
With regards to the recoveries, 73 coronavirus patients have recovered from the disease. Amid the outbreak, the authorities continue to remind the public to stay at home and quarantines are implemented in most areas.

Luzon is under an enhanced community quarantine. Most of the coronavirus cases recorded are in Luzon. Currently, the ECQ is on its last week.
The people are eager to know whether the ECQ would be extended or lifted. Many believes that it is too early to lift the quarantine protocols as the cases are still increasing each passing day.
Recently, Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte made his decision regarding the Luzon quarantine over COVID-19. Based on a post of ABS-CBN News, Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles confirmed that the President approved the ECQ extension up to April 30, 2020.
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