What Is The Difference Between Equinox And Solstice?

What Is The Difference Between Equinox And Solstice?

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EQUINOX AND SOLSTICE – In this topic, we are going to identify the difference between equinox and solstice.

Image from: National Weather Service

Both equinox and solstice happen twice a year. Both are somehow similar yet different. How, you ask? Well there is an answer to that, since I previously mentioned them before.


Although, both occurs twice a year, the difference is the time they occur.

A solstice is a moment in time where the Sun seems to reach its northernmost or southernmost day arc or excursion relative to a plane called the celestial sphere.

In other words, the earth’s northern half would be shone by the sun while the southern half of it would be shaded. The other way around occurs as well.

There are two types: Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice; or if not based on hemispheres, it’s called Northern and Southern Solstice

An equinox, on the other hand, is an instance in time when the celestial equator passes throug the sun’s center.

In other words, it’s like solstice but the sun shines on the western or eastern half of the world.

Like the solstice, an equinox has two types: Vernal Equinox and Autumnal Equinox, and both occurs on March 20 or September 22 depending on which hemisphere you are in.

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