Check out some unusual women facts.
WOMEN FACTS – Here are some unusual facts about women you might not know yet to understand and know them better.
Females, as for most of men’s perception, are complicated. And they could be indeed right and sometimes, these complications lead to misunderstanding and conflicts. With this, here are some unusual facts about women that you might want to know.

Check out below:
- Women have a difference of 20% when it comes seeing colors and shapes and their vocabulary about this is more broad than that of men.
- Alcoholic beverages are way more dangerous to women as they are likely to suffer liver diseases and can cause brain damage deteriorating it’s function and reduction of size.
- According to studies, men are more attracted to mature women, especially the more fertile one looks. Also, men gets attracted depending on women’s smell and voice.
- In woman’s lifetime, she puts at least 4 lbs pounds of lipsticks in an average based on the stick and average wearability.
- Most women are not risk-takers. This is explained when women have larger anterior cingulate cortex (the part of the brain which determines options before coming up with a decision) compared to men.
- They make men fat which explains that men in long term relationship gets out of shape. Feeding her man is her way of taking care of her.
- Most women choose style over comfort due to society’s standard.
- A woman’s brain is 9 percent smaller than men but this is just because her brain is packed but the cell count of both gender’s brain is just the same.
- Some inventions were created by women and they are the following:
- Margaret A. Wilcox (1893) – Car Heater
- Anna Connelly (1887) – Fire escape
- Maria Beasley (1882) – Life raft
- Florence Parpart (1914) – First Electric refrigerator
- Stephani Kwolek – Kevlar fiber
- Dr. Grace Murray – Cobol and coined the term “bug” which refers to as a computer glitch
- Mary Anderson (1903) – Windshield wiper
- Women are better than men in terms of reading faces, watching the gestures of other people, and observing the tone of their voice which makes them as great conversationalist and social leaders. But men are better in determining anger and desire.
- On average, women live longer than men for 2 to 3 years because they are more careful when it comes to risking their life and health.
- Essential Health & Self-Care Tips for Pregnant Women
- How To: Deal With Breakup Pain (For Men And Women)
- MEN FACTS: Common Things That Most Males Probably Lie About
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Source: Bright Side