Singular Noun & Plural Noun – Their Meanings and Examples

Meanings & Examples of Singular Noun and Plural Noun

SINGULAR NOUN & PLURAL NOUN – Here are the meanings of singular nouns and plural nouns and as well as some examples.

One of the most common term in the English subject is “noun“. It is one of the eight(8) parts of speech and is usually discussed first before all the other parts.

The noun refers to a name of person, place, thing, event, animal, or idea. It may start with a capital letter if it is a proper noun or a name of specific person, brand, place, or thing.

Under nouns, there are several types depending on certain classifications. One of them is based on the number of noun.

Singular Noun & Plural Noun

Under the number denoted by a noun, we have the singular noun and the plural noun. This lesson is usually taught in the later part of the pre-school years or in the early elementary level.

Singular Noun

Singular nouns are nouns that are only one(1) in number. In sentences, they are usually accompanied by the article “a” most especially if they are not proper nouns.

Here are some of its examples:

  • Rat
  • Mr. Felipe
  • Teacher
  • Book
  • Water
  • San Antonio High School

Plural Noun

A plural noun is a noun that is more than one(1) in number. Usually, they are common nouns ending in “s”.

Here are some of its examples:

  • Rats
  • Trees
  • Teachers
  • Books
  • Cups
  • Shells

However, not all plural nouns end in “s”. Some nouns tend to have a change in spelling if they are more than one(1).

READ ALSO: Regular Noun & Irregular Noun – Their Meanings & Examples

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