Six Year Old Filipina Girl Abandoned In UAE

This Six Year Old Filipina Girl Was Abandoned In UAE

SIX YEAR OLD – A young Filipina girl was abandoned by her real mother in Dubai, United Arab Emirates when she was a year old.

The pain of abandonment is so severe that even adults can’t take it. There were numerous reports about adults attempting suicide after being neglected or abandoned.

Six year old
Photo taken from MSN

In this heartbreaking case, the story behind the abandoned six year old Filipina in UAE is revealed.

The little girl Fathima, was neglected by her mom at the age of one in Dubai. Luckily, a kind-hearted couple took her under their wing and nurtured her for five long years.

Unfortunately, the couple, too, hit rock bottom. When they were no longer capable of providing for the child, they had to pass on the responsibility to some friends in Ajman back in December of 2018.

Currently, she is being taken care of by a Pakistani, Moazzam, who wanted to arrange documents for Fathima’s security in the future despite of her coming from another family. The Pakistani told Gulf News.

This is according to an article from MSN News.

Fathima dreamed of being able to attend school to live a normal kid’s life.

However, fortune got her in Ajman waiting for documents to support her existence.

Fathima did not have the necessary records and documents such as her birth certificate, passport, Emirates Visa and she also doesn’t have as surname.

These documents are needed for her to attend school and avail hospital aid during emergencies.

Luckily, 34-year-old Syed Ali Moazzam, expressed in a statement his concern for the child and is willing to adopt:

“If no one else wants this child I am ready to adopt her and will send her to school and do all that, that’s why I am trying to get documents and that’s why I contacted the newspaper.”

Moazzam still has to pursue necessary processes to adopt Fathima. Including going through Philippine courts.

That is all there is to it, at least for now. We’ll post updates as soon as we got them.

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