Good Friday: Here Are Some Facts You Need To Know About This Day

List of some facts you need to know about Good Friday.

GOOD FRIDAY – Here are some facts you probably need to know and should not miss about the Holy Friday or the Good Friday.

Check out these facts about Good Friday below:

  • Jesus was crucified. He was betrayed by one of His disciples, Judas, who kissed him before doing so, and went away to inform the chief priests about His whereabouts.
  • He was arrested, badly beaten, spit on, crowned with thorns, deprived of food and water, unfairly judged by the people, and nailed on His ankles and wrists.
  • “Good Friday” is generally referred to as “Karfreitag” meaning Mourning Friday to German-speaking countries.
  • Good Friday services end with the church bell toiling 33 times for each year of Jesus’ earthly life

Meanwhile, here are some details over the death of Jesus Christ:

  1. Jesus died at the age of 33 by crucifixion, the worst punishment at that time to worst criminals.
  2. The nails measure 6 to 8 inches long hammered on His wrists and not on His palms.
  3. His feet were nailed together which means He found support for His full weight on that single nail. He endured these pain for over 3 hours.
  4. A spear was pierced on His side by a Roman guard.
  5. Before He was crucified, he was badly whipped and beaten tearing out His flesh, face, and beard off of His face.
  6. The crown of thorns was not just put above His head, it was cut deeply through His scalp.
  7. Due to unimaginable torture, He ran out of blood that what’s left was water pouring out from His body. A human body only has 3.5 liters of blood.
  8. He was humiliated, carried His own cross at a distance of 2 kilometers while the crowd was throwing stones and spatting at him.


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Source: India Today

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