Lyrics of Hit Song “Macho Gwapito” by Rico Puno
RICO PUNO – Here is the lyrics of the hit song “Macho Gwapito” by the Original Pinoy Music (OPM) Legend Rico J. Puno.
Recently, someone who has contributed a lot in the Philippine music industry passed away – the OPM Legend Rico J. Puno. He died of cardiac arrest yesterday, October 30, 2018.
Rico is not only a singer but as well as an actor and an entertainer. Many of his fellow celebrities even tag him as the “Total Performer”. Surely, despite his passing, he will remain alive in the hearts of many people through his songs.

One of the hits of Rico Puno is the song “Macho Gwapito”. For its lyrics, here it is:
Macho Gwapito
Sinong Magsasabing Ako’y Masaya
Na Walang Problemang Nadarama
Sa Bawat Hakbang Ng Aking Daan
Laging Mayro’ng Nobya, Laging May Problema
Kung Sa Pakapalan Lamang Naman
‘Di Sinsadyang Ako Ay Ganyan
Kay Dalas Masubo Sa Alangan
Masaya Nga Ngunit Laging Nasasabit
Macho Gwapito Raw Ako (Macho Gwapito)
Ngunit Isip Ko Nama’y Gulung-Gulo
Macho Gwapito Raw Ako (Macho Gwapito)
Kinagigiliwan Dahil May Pangalan
Ad Lib
(Ooh, Macho Gwapito)
(Ahh, Macho Gwapito)
(Ooh, Macho Gwapito)
(Ooh, Macho Gwapito, Gwapito, Gwapito, Gwapito Ako)
[Repeat 1st Stanza]
[Repeat Chorus]
[Repeat Ad Lib Except Last Word]
[Repeat Chorus Twice Fading]
You can also listen to the tune of the song through this video posted by Dutchess Pinky Leelin on YouTube.
READ ALSO: WATCH: Rico J. Puno’s Last Concert Is At Aliw’s 40th Anniversary Concert