Rina Navarro’s Intriguing Statement About Betrayal After Ara Mina, Partner Rumored Affair Surfaces

Rina Navarro speaks up about the allegations involving friend Ara Mina and her partner.

RINA NAVARRO – The rumored partner of a government official of whom Ara Mina is allegedly having an affair with, Rina Navarro, speaks up after the issue has surfaced.

Rina Navarro is accordingly a close friend of the actress Ara Mina but based on a controversial post of Lolit Solis, as per the previous report, an affair between the actress and Navarro’s partner has sparked.

Ara Mina has denied the rumors reportedly saying as quoted from PEP, “Walang ganyang pangyayari.”

And last Saturday, a lengthy and intriguing post from Navarro as we have obtained from her Facebook account with a username “Rina Navarro” has surfaced.



The post has talked about betrayal from a person she has loved and the person she considered her “‘friend” and “treated like a sister”.

Read full post below:

To be betrayed by the person you love, and by a person you consider your friend & treated like a sister is one of the most heart breaking feeling to wake up to, everyday. I cant even find the most appropriate word to describe it.

You see, I was widowed at the age of 25, but I fell inlove again, and thought I was living a fairytale because we have been truly happy together. I thought that my husband’s death was the worst experience in my existence, but now I realized that betrayal is even more painful than death.

I write this today, to ENCOURAGE women, first of all that despite any heartbreak that you might have had, or have at the moment, to have hope and believe in love, that it will come at the right time, and with the right person. You deserve respect and love. Always. And if this is not given to you, you have the power to give it to yourself.

For every trial that comes your way, you can always stand up like I did- You may fall, men can crush you, your friends or your career may betray you, but you can always, always, stand up.

I want to get out if this, not jaded about love, but hopeful, that God allowed this unfortunate and undeserved pain to happen to me, because He is preparing me for something greater. God will never fail to bring out the truth and take care of us. That is for sure.

Today marks the 30th day of my journey thats why, Im very grateful for my family, friends, and my children who continue to give me the strength to face each day, renewed and stronger.

As for the people who has hurt me, I want you to know that you might have broken my heart, but you have not crushed my spirit.

So thank you, because in truth, what you have done to me, might have just saved me, without you knowing it. 

Rina Navarro
Photo grabbed on Facebook/ Rina Navarro
Rina Navarro
Photo lifted from Facebook/ Rina Navarro

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Read also the previous article: Girlfriend Of Government Official Ara Mina Allegedly Had An Affair With (Photo)

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