North Korean Companies In China Ordered By Chinese Government To Close

Chinese Government Orders North Korean Companies In China To Close

The Chinese government has issued an order to close all the North Korean companies based in China as a result of UN sanctions.

Previously, the UN Security Council has voted unanimously to apply pressure and increase sanctions on North Korea over the latest nuclear missile test launched by Pyongyang.

The decision of the United Nations was triggered by the recent and the largest nuclear test of North Korea this month as it aims to develop a long-range missile that could hit the US mainland.

Chinese Government

The sanctions urge the allied nations to ban the textile exports and capping fuel supplies of the rogue nation.

On Thursday (September 28, 2017), China’s commerce ministry has ordered North Korea firms based in the country to close within 120 days of the UN decision. The giant nation has previously ordered banks to stop working with Pyongyang.

However, the United States finds Chinese government was not tough enough on the nuclear threat from the communist country, prompting Beijing’s imposition of their latest sanctions on North Korea.

Chinese Government

The order of the Chinese government to shut all the North Korea companies in China indicates their escalating frustration at Kim Jong-Un’s regime.

China would also limit the amount of refined petroleum products and cut off the shipment of gas to North Korea, which might affect their energy supply.

The Trump administration has welcomed the decision of China and described it as very bold and unexpected. The US president also expressed his gratitude towards Chinese President Xi Jinping.

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