Several Lawmakers Convinced To Extend Martial Law In Mindanao, Sotto Says

Senator Sotto: Several Lawmakers Convinced To Mindanao Martial Law Extension

Several lawmakers were allegedly convinced to extend the martial law throughout the entire Mindanao region, according to Sen. Vicente Sotto III.

Previously, President Rodrigo Duterte declared martial law throughout the entire region of Mindanao. The Martial rule has been implemented in the region to control the chaotic situation in Marawi City.

Mindanao region was put under the martial law due to the extended gun battle between the government forces and the Maute Terror Group in Marawi City. The sporadic firefight between the two groups turns Marawi City into a chaotic scenery.

Martial Law

On Tuesday (July 18, 2017), Senator Vicente Sotto III believes that some of the lawmakers were already convinced to extend the martial law in Mindanao after President Duterte portray the terrorism in the region during the short briefing in Malacañang.

“‘Pag narinig mo iyong mga nangyayari doon at mga intel na nakakarating sa kanya, medyo mas mabuti talagang bigyan ng extension sapagkat may intelligence sila,” said by Sotto quoted by GMA.

Sotto admitted that he was already thinking of allowing the martial law extension in the South. He also explained that martial law should be extended especially in Lanao del Norte since the government troops were almost in control of the beleaguered city.

Martial Law

The senator also asked the president of how long he would extend the martial rule. Mr. Duterte answered that 60 days would be enough in controlling the situation in Mindanao.

The lawmaker also announced that the president would call for a joint session to formally ask for Mindanao martial law extension on Saturday (July 22, 2017) at the Batasang Pambansa Complex around 9 am.

Earlier, House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez told the president that the martial rule should be extended for 5 years. Sotto said in an interview that Mr. Duterte was only smiling about it for he knew that Alvarez was only joking.

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