DOLE Announced Progress In Ending ‘Endo,’ Workers’ Groups Still Unhappy

Workers’ groups are still not satisfied with the admin’s move in prohibiting ‘endo’ despite the announcement of the chief of DOLE.

DOLE – The Department of Labor and Employment has recently announced its progress in the move of putting an end to contractualization in the field of employment.

Based on a recent news report in InterAksyon, despite the Department’s announcement, the labor groups are still unhappy. The members of the workers’ groups desire for the administration to act more on prohibiting end-of-contract or ‘endo’.

The ending of contractualization in the field of employment is one of the campaign promises of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte who desire for stable jobs for the Filipino workers.

DOLE Sec. Silvestre Bello III / AFP Photo (Photo lifted from ABS-CBN News)

The President has even warned the firm owners that he will shut down those companies who won’t abide by the move.

Based on the news report, DOLE Secretary Silvestre Bello has expressed that the Duterte administration is successful in pushing for the stability of 50,000 contractuals across the country.

The DOLE Secretary also said that lots of those contractuals were employed in big manufacturing companies and shopping malls.

However, according to the news report, lots of Filipinos are still unsatisfied. On Labor Day, they gathered on the streets to express their aims.

According to those people, the DOLE’s Department Order No. 174 was not able to prohibit endo ‘altogether’. They also find it similar with the DOLE Order No. 18 which was issued under the term of former Pres. Benigno ‘Noynoy’ Aquino III.

Based on the report, Partido ng Manggagawa spokesman Wilson Fortaleza expressed that the Chief Executive must substitute the order of DOLE with an executive order.

Aside from the labor groups’ cries to end ‘endo,’ some groups also pushed for the increase of the daily minimum wage to P750.

Based on a previous news report, the members of Kadamay together with other militant groups have prepared for a labor day protest.

Meanwhile, while there are those who support them, there are also those who criticize their move. Some netizens even tagged it as a rally of ‘lazy’ people.

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