PH prepares a strong protest against China’s plan to put up structure on disputed shoal.
STRONG PROTEST – A protest against the plan of China to put up a radar station at the Scarborough Shoal or locally known as the Panatag Shoal is being set by the Philippines.
Based on a recent news report in Phil Star Global, Department of Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II expressed in a chance interview his thought that there will a protest to be filed. According to him, it’s going to be a strong protest against China’s planned move.
The Justice Secretary expressed that the planned action to be taken by the PH government is aligned with the advice of Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio.
Moreover, according to the report, Justice Sec. Aguirre expressed an assurance to the public that President Rodrigo Roa Duterte “will not let go” of the Scarborough Shoal.
The Justice Secretary said that the government is “strengthening the relationship” with the United States.
Reportedly, it was last year when the territorial dispute between the Philippines and China was given a judgment. The Arbitral Court sided on the Philippines as the country having sovereignty rights over the disputed seas.
However, China has not yet still fully recognized the ruling of the Arbitral Tribunal. Nevertheless, Pres. Duterte’s official visit to China has undeniably warmed the relationship between the two countries.
Recently, news reports entailing the supposed plan of China to put up a structure on the disputed shoal has caused alarm.
However, Pres. Duterte once again expressed that the country is no position to declare a war against China and PH can’t stop the plan of China.
Based on a previous report, SC Senior Associate Justice Carpio said that statements entailing that the country cannot stop China from building structures on the disputed areas is an encouragement on China’s part.
The SC Senior Associate Justice who is one of the team that was victorious in the Philippines’ challenge to China’s claims over the disputed sea expressed some advices to Pres. Duterte.
According to the report, Carpio said that the Chief Executive can lodge a “strong formal protest” against China’s plan to build a structure on the shoal.
Furthermore, the SC Senior Associate Justice also said that a Philippine Navy ship could also be deployed on the areas to patrol and the country can ask the United States to recognize the shoal as part of the PH territory.