Facebook Quizzes, Tests Use By Hackers To Gather Personal Data, Report Says

Technology Hackers Were Using Facebook Quizzes, Tests To Gather Personal Info

Facebook quizzes and tests appearing in the news feeds of our social media account could possibly be used by hackers to collect personal data and information.

Nowadays, there are numerous online quizzes and other types of tests were appearing in our news feeds on Facebook. Most of us would like to answer those quizzes to test our cognitive ability without knowing the disadvantage of answering those questionnaires.

Facebook quizzes and questionnaires could possibly be a trick of some Information Technology (I.T) hackers to obtain your personal data and information, which they could use against you, according to some reports.

Facebook Quizzes


Sri Sridharan, managing director at the Florida Center for Cybersecurity said that some social media tests and quizzes were used by scammers to make money, in the form of scamming, hacking, and collecting individual’s personal info.

Sridharan explained that it may appear seems harmless, but we’ll never know motives of the people behind those activities. Other technology experts said that were frequently using quizzes to cover malicious link creating online security breaches.

When these quizzes were answered hackers could have direct access and can easily collect personal information and use them to persuade their victim. Sridharan warns the public to only answer quizzes from legit websites in order to protect your personal data.

Facebook Quizzes

What can you say about these quizzes and tests on Facebook? Do you really believe that hackers could actually use it to lure its victims? Just feel free to leave your comments and reactions for this article.

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