Carmi Martin and Denise Laurel posted about the recent vehicular accident in Tanay, Rizal.
Carmi Martin and Denise Laurel posted on social media how they saw the kids who were involved in the Tanay bus accident before the unexpected incident happened.
Lots of news reports followed the recent vehicular accident in Tanay, Rizal. Recently, another news report entailing about the social media posts of two actresses who got to see the kids before the accident happened broke in.
Based on a recent news report in Pep, actresses Carmi Martin and Denise Laurel have seen the kids before the incident happened as the bus passed by the area where the casts of ABS-CBN’s afternoon soap opera ‘The Better Half’ have their tapings.
In the social media post found in the Facebook account of Carmi, the actress shared that she saw the kids before the accident happened. She stated that the blue bus which passed by the area where they had their taping was loaded with happy youngsters.
“They even shouted Carmi… then minutes later… 14 of them were killed by an accident,” the actress wrote on her social media post.
Actress Denise Laurel also shared on her Instagram post how she has seen the students involved in the accident before the unexpected incident happened according to the report. Based on the IG post of Denise, they “yelled and said hi” to her as she was “taping on the side of the road” for the afternoon soap opera.
She also noted that she was surprised when she saw the ambulance vehicles passing by the area. Moreover, the actress asked everyone to pray for the people involved in the accident.
Reportedly, the bus accident which happened in Tanay, Rizal took 15 lives. Based on a previous report, the social media post of one of those who were left dead by the accident was recalled and were seen with some signs.