Mark Zuckerberg’s net worth has fallen by nearly $3.7 billion since the U.S. Election Day.
MARK – A nearly $3.7 billion decrease in the net worth of Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg has been spotted as based on Facebook’s share price decline of 7%.
The recent United States Election has been witnessed and updated not only by American citizens but as well as by the international community. Most of the countries really monitored the tight race between the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and the Republican’s Donald Trump.
An evidence of the tight battle has been spotted after Donald Trump won the election despite the reports of polls that Clinton leads the race a few time before the election day.

U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump was then congratulated by leaders from the other nations. Based on a previous news report, Clinton urged the people to support and persevere under the administration of Trump.
Through the social media sites, most of the populace were really updated with the events around the world. Undeniably, certain fake news are also popping in the social media sites at times.
Based on a recent news report in Forbes, a lengthy note was written by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg four days after Trump secured the U.S. presidential post. In his note, he downplayed the part of fake news in the social media.

Furthermore, the report entailed that recently, there was a ‘downward trajectory’ in the wealth of the founder of the social media giant as his net worth has decreased by nearly $3.7 billion since the 8th of November.
The 7% Facebook’s share price decline between the U.S. Election Day and the closing of the normal trading on Friday was the basis of the figure presented earlier. Nevertheless, the report emphasized that the founder of Facebook is still the fifth richest person across the globe.
However, the report emphasized that the recent fall down of the stocks of Facebook is not necessarily linked to the impending transition of the presidency in U.S. or to the issue regarding fake news.