China Reacts To The Visit Of Pres. Duterte: Point Towards Trust Restoration?

China reacts positively towards the visit of Pres. Rodrigo ‘Rody’ Duterte.

CHINA REACTS – The visit of Philippine President Rodrigo ‘Rody’ Duterte to China this week heads to the restoration of trust as affirmed by their state news agency.

The relationship of China and Philippines has undeniably been challenged by the recent tensions that arouse due to the territorial dispute over the South China Sea.

Both countries have been firm on the stand of owning the territories and the incident even led to the International Court which sided on the Philippines. On the other hand, even before the verdict has been given, China has already affirmed not to give in to it.

China reacts
Photograph: Manman Dejeto/AFP/Getty Images

Undeniably, things quite became warm again as Pres. Rodrigo Duterte executes friendly and peaceful management of the matter. He assigned former Pres. Fidel V. Ramos to be the special envoy who last time traveled to rekindle relationship.

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