5 Common Damaged Kidney Symptoms That We Ignore
5 common damaged kidney symptoms that we usually ignore. The kidney is one of the main organs of our body because it is the one who helps to filter the toxins that are in the body.
The main purpose of our kidney is to filter the toxins from the blood. If this organ canāt perform its task properly it may lead us to serious consequences on our health.
So it is very important to learn the functions of our kidney and also to recognize the signs and symptoms if this organ on our body is damaged. Here are some common signs of a person who has a damaged kidney:
Rashes, Dryness, and Itching
Signs of having rashes, dryness, and itching of the skin occurs when the waste in our body is accumulated by our blood that disturbed the function of our kidney. Addressing the problem properly is a very important thing and never ignore these signs and treat them by a cream r an ointment.
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Inform me more on how to care our kidneys and avoid damage, likewise some tips on first aid for kidney ailment. Thanks!
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