Chinese Man Undergoes Plastic Surgery to Look Like North Korean Dictator

The trend today doesn’t go with how you look like but who you look like.


Kim Jong-Un has become famous since he became the North Korean dictator because of how he initiate his leadership.

Though there are a lot of people who dislike the way he manage North Korea, he remained firm in his post and with his decisions which he sees best for his country.

And that makes him loved by others.

This peculiar Chinese man has even undergone plastic surgery to copy how the dictator looks like.


Wang Lei, 32, now really looks like North Korean dictator not just by his suit but also with his face.

He was filmed dating an actress who also undergone surgery.


With surprised spectators talking about him, photographers startled at an odd picture worth encounter.

Even reporters and TV crews started to interview Lei as the crowds were attracted.


The unlikely pair attracted crowds as they were surrounded by photographers, TV crews and reporters.

The look-alike dressed in the trademark suit of the dictator, waved and posed for pictures.

H/T:; and photos.

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