Int’l Finance Group Positive for Poe, Roxas, Unconfident with Binay

Institute of International Finance (IIF) has shown support to Sen. Grace Poe and Interior Secretary Mar Roxas in becoming the next president in 2016 saying it would be good for the Philippine economy whoever will be elected, but added Binay’s presidency may undermine the reforms introduced by recent administration. According to its latest Global Economic Monitors … Read more

VP Binay Sues P200M Damage against Senators, Witnesses, Ombudsman

For the consecutive attacks he received earlier, it’s time for Vice-president Jejomar Binay to fight legally against foes. The vice president has filed on Monday a P200 million damage suit against two senators, witnesses and Ombudsman Conchicta Carpio Morales for alleged damaging and prejudicial statements against him. Atty. Claro Certeza filed a complaint targeting senators … Read more

VP Binay Confronts Police, Points Finger. Police To File Charges.

As Mayor Jejomar Erwin “Junjun” Binay received suspension anew, tensions broke at the Makati City Hall late Monday following father, Vice President Jejomar Binay confronted the police barring the building, a radio report said. The Makati Mayor faces charges following the allegedly anomalous construction of the Makati Science High School building. The Department of Interior … Read more

Vice President Jejomar Binay’s SWS Satisfaction Ratings Bounces Back

The second highest official of the country, Vice President Jejomar Binay’s satisfaction ratings bounces back according to the Social Weather Station (SWS) survey. For the past few years, the Vice President’s satisfaction rating continued its decline but right now the ratings bounces back. Vice President Binay’s SWS satisfaction rating has bounced back to 64 percent, … Read more

Is VP Jejomar Binay Already Campaigning? Watch This Viral Video

Vice President Jejomar Binay currently ranks second to Sen. Grace Poe in the latest survey results of independent body, Pulse Asia and the Social Weather Station. The former leader in various survey conducted by different organizations is also busy with his job as Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines. Although most of the … Read more

Binay Declines Dare to Submit His P16-B Bank Deposits

Following the challenge of his accusers to surrender his and alleged dummies’ purportedly P16-billion bank deposits that were ordered frozen by the Court of Appeals (CA), Vice President Binay refused the dare. Binay maintained that he did not steal anything from the government funds and that the cases filed against him were made up and … Read more

Binay Hopeful to Run with Duterte in 2016

Following the disapproval of Sen. Grace Poe to run with Vice President Jejomar Binay in the 2016 presidential elections, Binay seems to found another possible running mate. In an interview Thursday, Binay said he is considering Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte as running mate. Binay said Duterte is “qualified” enough to be the vice-presidential bet … Read more