Motorist Warns of Eye Irritation Due to Volcanic Smog


Motorist Suffers Eye Irritation After Volcanic Smog Exposure A Filipino motorist suffered eye irritation due to the volcanic smog from Taal during a motorcycle trip. Recently, Louelle Roie, a Facebook user, shared a concerning experience about the dangers of traveling through areas affected by volcanic smog, or “vog,” from Taal Volcano. His post garnered various … Read more

#WalangPasok: Class Suspensions for Saturday (Sept 23) Due to Volcanic Smog

Class Suspensions

Class Suspensions for Saturday (September 23, 2023) WALANG PASOK – Several local government units declared class suspensions in some areas due to the volcanic smog. Batangas is still enveloped in thick volcanic smog or vog, with some residents falling ill. Concerns are rising about the potential effects of vog if Taal Volcano’s activity continues in … Read more

Volcanic Smog in Tuy, Batangas Sends 45 Students to Hospital

Volcanic Smog

TUY, BATANGAS – The volcanic smog coming from Taal Volcano sends 45 students to hospital after experiencing breathing difficulty. Provincial Disaster Management office head Dr. Amor Calayan reported that the students experienced chest pain, dizziness, and itching of the skin and throat after inhaling the smog. The learners received first aid and were allowed to … Read more

Students Rushed to Hospital After Struggling to Breathe Due to Volcanic Smog


Students in Tuy, Batangas Hospitalized Due to Volcanic Smog BATANGAS, PHILIPPINES – Several students were rushed to the hospital after experiencing difficulty on breathing due to volcanic smog from the Taal Volcano in Tuy, Batangas. On Thursday (September 21, 2023), the learners from a school in the municipality of Tuy, Batangas suffered chest pain, dizziness, … Read more