Wrongful Arrest of Woman in Taguig Goes Viral

Wrongful Arrest

Woman in Taguig Arrested in Questionable Circumstances A woman named Dina found herself in a troubling situation when police officers arrested her inside her home in Taguig City. CCTV footage showed the police officers entering her family’s store, heading straight inside, and even stopping her 14-year-old son from getting near her. One officer showed what … Read more

Cops Received Tickets From MMDA Over Bike Lane Violation


Several cops received citation tickets from the personnel of Metropolitan Manila Development Authority over bike lane violation. MMDA personnel issued tickets to several policemen for using the designated bike lane along EDSA in Quezon City. DOTr workers were also advised to comply with the traffic policy.

MMDA Issues Tickets to Police Officers Violating Bike Lane Rules on EDSA


Police Officers Violating Bike Lane Rules on EDSA Receive Citation Ticket From MMDA BIKE LANE VIOLATION – MMDA issues tickets to police officers violating the bike lane rules along EDSA in Quezon City. The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), a vital government organization dedicated to ensuring the smooth flow of traffic, improving public safety, and … Read more

Police Officers Arrest Vietnamese National Due to ‘Kalaswaan’

Police Officers

The Manila Police District arrested a Vietnamese national in Malate, Manila for alleged engaging in an act of ‘kalaswaan’ or indecency. The CCTV footage in Barangay 754 captured the Vietnamese national carrying a screwdriver while acting aggressively. The police authorities have confronted him for engaging in indecent behavior before the incident.

3 Caraga Police Officers Test Positive During Random Drug Tests

3 Caraga Police Officers Test Positive in Illegal Drug Use Three police officers from the Caraga region were found using illegal drugs after they test positive during a random drug test. From January 1 to June 21, 2023, the Police Regional Office (PRO)-13 (Caraga) administered random and required drug tests to 4,871 police commissioned and … Read more

3 Cops in Zamboanga City Sacked After Waiter They Escorted Died

3 Zamboanga City Cops Relieved from Post After Waiter Died in Custody Three (3) cops in Zamboanga City were relieved from their post after a waiter they escorted allegedly died. According to Zamboanga City Police Chief Col. Alexander Lorenzo, three officers have been dismissed of their duties following the death of a waiter in their … Read more

Ex-President Rodrigo Duterte on Narcotics Policemen: “Shoot them dead”

Ex-President Rodrigo Duterte Wants Narcotic Policemen to Be Shoot Dead Ex-president Rodrigo Duterte wants policemen who are involved in illegal drugs to be shoot dead instead of putting them in jail. In his weekly broadcast on SMNI, the former president wants all police officers implicated in the illegal drug trade to be killed rather than … Read more