Bishop & Parish Priest Allegedly Fights Inside Church


Bishop & Parish Priest Caught on CCTV Fighting Inside Church in Tondo, Manila A bishop and a parish priest were caught on CCTV allegedly having a fight inside a church in Tondo, Manila. The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) stated that the incident was just a misunderstanding between the two clergy members. The … Read more

Lito Atienza To President Duterte: Stop Insulting Bishops, Priests

Lito Atienza to Duterte

Lito Atienza Speak Up Against President Duterte’ Insults To Bishops, Priests LITO ATIENZA – Former Mayor Lito Atienza spoke up against President Duterte’s insults to bishops and priests. Filipino politician Lito Atienza is a former city mayor of Manila. He also served as the secretary of the Department of Environment and Resources (DENR). Last 2007, … Read more