Retired Colonel Exploded Bombshell in the Senate

Angelo Reyes

Former Armed Forces chief of staff Angelo Reyes took advantage the send-off gift (“pabaon”) of “more than” P50 million when he retired in 2001. Retired lieutenant colonel George Rabusa released a bombshell yesterday January 27, 2011 as he made his surprise appearance at the Senate blue ribbon committee’s initial hearing on the plea bargain between … Read more

Two Florida Teens Killed by their Own Mother

florida murderer julie powers schenecker

Julie Powers Schenecker, 50 years of age was arrested last Friday in Tampa, Florida because of the murder she did with her two children Calyx Powers Schenecker, 16 years of age and Powers Beau Schenecker, 13 years old. It was reported that Schenecker used a .38 caliber pistol that killed her two teenagers. According to … Read more

Egyptian Protest

Middle East Egyptian Protest

The Egyptian protest Friday became bloody. There were 27 killed and wounding 35 people. Thousands of people were flocking in the street to join the protest. Cairo became the center area of demonstration. Several group of opposition persuaded supporters to participate the rally against the crock administration. The social networks like Facebook and Twitter and … Read more

Tiny Apartment Made of Ping-Pong Balls

tiny apartment made of ping-pong balls

Who loves to play table tennis? I won’t disagree if most of you love to play it, for me myself is also an addicted player of this “wiff-waff.”  Table Tennis, which also known as the ping-pong is a sport in which two or four players hit a lightweight, hollow ball back and forth using table tennis rackets. In … Read more

Japan has The Edible iPhone

iPhone cookie

This will be the good news for all iPhone fans for the Apple device has now its substitute; not actually the real one, but the edible kind. What is it? It is the edible iPhone. This edible iPhone is being sold in Tokushima, Japan and was actually made by the café ‘Green Gables’ owner, Kumido … Read more

Combating Recession: U.S. economy growth enhances!

Combating Recession: U.S economy growth enhances!

It has been reported that the U.S economy growth has been enhanced after a severely devastating period of recession. The economic growth of U.S gained acceleration in the last three months of previous year 2011. The rate for this increase is 3.2% or correspondingly a 0.78% quarterly increase. This rate is compared to the annual … Read more

Growing International Support for Egyptian Freedom

For the past few weeks Egyptian unrest were getting more and more violent. Protesters from Egypt have gone to the streets for m(–foul word(s) removed–)ive demonstrations more particulary in the city of Cairo, Suez and the historic city of Alexandria. The Egyptian freedom fighters are demanding for the resignation of the resignation of the current … Read more

Deadly Suicide Attack hits Kabul Supermarket

Kabul Suicide Attack

Officials report that at least 8 people are killed and many injured in a suicide attack at a popular supermarket in Kabul, capital of Afghanistan. The market was visited mostly by foreigners. Police and the witness tell that the suicide bomber first opened fire on people and then detonated the explosives. The reports say that … Read more

P1 M reward for Bus Bombing Hint

Edsa Bus Bombing incident

With regards to the EDSA bus bombing that have happened last Tuesday, a P1 million reward will be granted to anyone who will be able to give a hint for the captivity of the suspects who were responsible for the said tragedy that took away five lives in Manila, Philippines. In this connection, President Aquino … Read more

Gay Marriage Supporter Increase to 56% from 51%

Curt Garman and Richard Looke

According to new poll, gay marriage has increase to 56% in 2011 from 51% last 2009. The report has taken from New York to legalized gay marriage. The survey is conducted by Quinnipiac University. Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York did not make a big issue on same-sex marriage but said that he is into … Read more