New Discovery of specific genes linked to Parkinson’s Disease

A world-wide group of scientists have confirmed 5 variants of genes that are directly linked with Parkinson’s Disease,  concluding the tally up to 11, as per accordance to a news paper that was published this Wednesday from the Lancet. Since the first discovery of genetic clue in 1997, the consensus from medical organizations observed that … Read more

Diet soda and excessive intake of salt are stroke risk

A couple of studies presented this Wednesday observed that people who drink diet soda are actually at higher risk of suffering from stroke or heart attack than those people who do not drink soda at all, and the fact that adding excessive salt to the diet is also a stroke risk factor. The soda study … Read more

Almonds to cure diabetes and heart disease

One of the most known university of New Jersey “University of Medicine and Dentistry” has reported that using almonds could actually help in prevention of diabetes type-2 and several heart disease. Scientists at the university has discovered that diet inclusive of nuts could actually help in prevention of diabetes and it can also treat the … Read more

Healthy Heart Habits


Smoking, obesity, hypertension and diabetes are among the risk factors that warn Filipino’s health. While age and genetic influences are known to be unavoidable determinants of risk factors, it has been reported that almost 90 percent of them are more likely to acquire undesirable diseases of the heart. On the other hand, some unwanted habits … Read more

Diabetes strikes Asian Americans

Although Asian Americans are slim compared to authentic Americans, but in recent findings they are getting diabetes type 2 more than white Americans are getting. And the ratio is increasing day by day. The research was performing following the data of health survey from government of new york that was from year 1997 to year … Read more

Atrial Fibrillation, one of the dangerous risk factor for stroke

Atrial fibrillation is one of the most ignored symptom that is becoming leading risk factor for causing stroke. Many people believe who suffers from Atrial fibrillation doesn’t acknowledge that they are at great risk of having a stroke at any time. A recent survey in England discovers that every two out of 3 people having … Read more

Fitness Guru Jack LaLanne Dies at Age 96

The Godfather of Fitness

“The Godfather of Fitness,” this is what people dubbed Jack LaLanne, was an American fitness, exercise, nutritional expert and motivational speaker.  He published numerous books on fitness and hosted a fitness television show between 1951 and 1985. LaLanne gained recognition for his success as a bodybuilder as well as for his prodigious feats of strength. He was … Read more

Roche’s RG7204: The Drug Against Skin Cancer

skin cancer

Skin Cancer, like all we know, is a disease in which cancer (malignant) cells are found in the outer layers of your skin, and it is actually the most common form of human cancer. It is rapidly affecting persons at 65 years of age and every year, there are over 1 million cases happens which … Read more

A Women Speaks after 11 Years: Larynx Transplant Successful

Voicebox surgery

‘Good morning! I want to go home’ were the first words of Brenda Jensen. A woman in United States of America is now able to speak after eleven years as a result of state of the art larynx transplant. The voice box transplant is a huge success for both the doctors and the family of … Read more

It’s Minutes not Years – Smoking Kills!

It Takes Minutes!

The US keen and experienced research centers have now said that the smoking damages the body in minutes rather than years. This research was published by U.S Chemical Research in Toxicology has showed in a report that chemicals that cause cancer establish very rapidly in minutes. Smoking industry is amongst the biggest industries of any … Read more