Philippines, US Hold Joint Military Exercises Despite Duterte’s Comments

Despite President Rodrigo Duterte’s statements to let US troops out of the country, the joint military exercises of American and Philippine troops pursued starting Tuesday. On Tuesday, the Philippines and the United States launched military exercises participated by the troops of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and Americans. This is against the backdrop of the … Read more

ECOP: Endo Is Illegal, Implement Labor Code

endo workers in a factory

The group of businessmen and employers recognizes the illegality of the end of contract or endo and pushes for the implementation of Labor Code to get rid of it. The group of businessmen and employers urge the Duterte administration to implement the provisions of the Labor Code in relation to the total eradication of endo … Read more

Foods That Can Burn Excess Fats And Assist Weight Loss


Foods That Can Eliminate Fats In The Body Foods that can burn excess fats and assist a person in losing weight in a matter of time, since weight loss is the primary concern of overweighed people. Losing weight is now the concern of many people most of them are getting frustrated with being overweight and … Read more

Alvarez Not Satisfied With Duterte’s Accomplishments For First 100 Days


Alvarez Expects More From Duterte And Not Satisfied With His Accomplishments Alvarez is not satisfied with President Duterte’s accomplishments is his first 100 days in the position of being the Philippine president. House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez said despite making a great effort to eradicate illegal drugs in the country and also the criminality nationwide reduced … Read more

Marang Fruit Amazing Health Benefits To The Body

Marang Fruit

Marang Fruit A Delicious And Healthy Fruit For Everybody Marang fruit is one of the delicious and healthy fruits in the country because it contains numerous nutrients and vitamins that healthy to the body. This fruit can grow in a tropical climate country like the Philippines, it can be found in any part of the country. It … Read more

Look: Senator Lacson Confirms About 1 Million Call Center Agents Could Lose Their Jobs.

Lacson says

Lacson Says About 1 Million Call Center Agents Could Lose Their Jobs. Lacson says that about 1 million call center agents will lose their jobs in such an event if the president continues to lash out against foreign countries like the US. Everytime that the Philippine President open his mouth at public gatherings, foul words escape … Read more

Caucus On Senate EJK Probe: To Be Continued Or Not?

Senate to hold caucus

The committee shall hold a caucus to decide if the Senate EJK probe be continued or let it stay where they left off. The Senate Committee on Justice and Human Rights is now weighing things regarding the Senate EJK probe, and to decide on caucus, if the investigation be continued or just let it stay … Read more