Marilyn Davenport: Obama Ape Author Apologized

Republican Marilyn Davenport
Marilyn Davenport

Marilyn Davenport an elected Orange County Republican Party official have apologized to the public about her circulated e-mail about the the President’s parents. The e-mail have a doctored image of President Obama depicting him with an ape body.

The e-mail which was supposed to be exclusively distributed only to the OC Republican Party Official had caused outrage among citizens which they considered a racists attacked to the black community.

The e-mail that was sent to her fellow Republicans contained an image that was not only a clear racist attacked to the first family but also to the rest of the African community.

Davenport was quoted as saying in an e-mail as “I simply found it amusing regarding the character of Obama and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth,” she said. Under the words, “Now you know why no birth certificate,” there’s an Obama family portrait showing them as apes.

The sent e-mail was obtained by OCWeekly and posted it on their blog which caused heavy outraged among the Americans especially to the African community. They even called for immediate resignation of Marilyn Davenport.

After the controversy Marilyn Davenport explain to the American public regarding the issue. He was quoted as saying in a follow-up e-mail as “To my fellow Americans and to everyone else who has seen this email I forwarded and was offended by my action”.

She adds further as “I humbly apologize and ask for your forgiveness of my unwise behavior. I say unwise because at the time I received and forwarded the email, I didn’t stop to think about the historic implications and other examples of how this could be offensive.”

With regards to the calling for resignation issue, Davenport refuses to resign and keeps on telling that she was not a racist. Meanwhile, Orange County Republican Party Chairman Scott Baugh continues to seek an apology and her voluntary resignation from the central committee.

President Obama with the Ape
Obama's head in a chimpanzee

1 thought on “Marilyn Davenport: Obama Ape Author Apologized”

  1. Remember when the GOP stood for balanced budgets, individual freedom and isolationism.
    The Republican Party has run up these deficits, we want the federal government to be in our bedrooms and between our women and their doctors, we started two wars instead of ending them like the Korean War and were supposed to stop the Vietnam War the Democrats started. We have lost our way!

    So why waste our time with these fools who use their racist rhetoric, like this Marilyn Davenport and Donald Trump with his birther unproven myth, why do we allow our Fox news people to keep talking down our country. Don’t they know we can win the next election with optimism and hope instead of the current rhetoric, that the sky is falling, if we are not careful we will end up like chicken little where no one will listen to us.


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