3 Types of Coronavirus Infect People As to Cambridge Researchers
CAMBRIDGE RESEARCHERS – A study conducted by Cambridge University showed that there are three (3) types of coronavirus spreading across the globe.
Currently, the world is fighting against a common enemy – the 2019 coronavirus. Officially called as COVID-19, this disease which is now pandemic was first recorded in China.
Over 81,000 people in China were infected by the coronavirus and at least 3,300 died of the said disease. Wuhan City, the epicenter of the disease, was locked for more than two (2) months due to the outbreak.
Across the globe, there is now a total of nearly 1.7 million of confirmed COVID-19 cases. More than 102,000 people lost their lives while nearly 380,000 coronavirus patients recovered from the disease.

In line with the world fighting a pandemic now, researchers from Cambridge University lodged a study regarding coronavirus. Based on a report on Daily Mail, they mapped the genetic history of the disease that rocked the healthcare of the different countries.
According to the report, Cambridge researchers found three (3) types of coronavirus – tagged as Type A, Type B, and Type C. The Type A coronavirus is the one closest to bats and pangolins. The results of the study showed that this type is most common in the United States and Australia.
Another type of coronavirus is the Type B, reportedly derived from Type A coronavirus. The results of the study showed that this type has hit Wuhan City, China.
Based on the report, Cambridge researchers found that Type C coronavirus is the “daughter of Type B”. The study showed that is spreading in Europe through Singapore. The scientists believe that the said virus is on constant mutation to outweigh the resistance of the immunity of the people in different nations.

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