SOCIAL MEDIA TIPS – How To Use Social Media Responsibly?

Here are some social media tips as to how to use it responsibly.

SOCIAL MEDIA TIPS – Here some tips to all netizens as to how to use and navigate the social media responsibly which some probably don’t know yet.

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, and all other platforms go on the list and continue to expand all through the years. These social media platforms get a lot of people addicted to it and became a typical part of the daily activities of most adults and even the youths.

Social Media Tips

Social media offers a lot coming from entertainment, communication, and among other essential things. However, in everything, there are pros and cons and the dark part about the social media is that sometimes, people tend to abuse it.

And to use social media responsibly as well as in the right ways, here are some tips that people might need to know:

  • Avoid posting problems
    Venting down your problem and publicly share it on social media is a BIG NO NO. Never ever post something that you will regret in the end eventually.
  • Don’t share photos or information that will taint your reputation
    Do not share photos or videos that will damage you. Always consider the type of photos that you will post online.
  • Never announce you’re on vacation
    You may share something a little about your vacation but keep it lowkey most especially that these kind of posts will attract robbers who will think that your house is empty.
  • Always log out in shared gadgets
    Never forget to always log out if you have used another gadget.
  • Spread love and not hate
    Never trash talk and bash anyone online even if you are anonymous or using a well-kept account. Be an inspiration instead of spreading negativity based on Kami.
  • Think before you post
    Always think of the repercussion of your post before sharing it. Will it be offending? Have you got your facts straight?
  • Use it as channel to raise awareness and spread helpful information
    Raise awareness to people. If you think that what you have encountered will have a good effect to people, do post about it. Make them aware of something and make connections for betterment.


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