PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS – VSCO Filters To Enhance Instagram Feed

Here are some photography tips to enhance IG feed.

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS – Here are some tips to know about photo editing using the VSCO app to further enhance your Instagram photos.

The phone can now already become our channel for communication and capture memories at the same time. Through the years, these gadgets continue to innovate and improve and companies never cease to offer customers better products. And terms of phone, it can now capture subjects like a pro with just a little editing through some applications, photos are now good to go and be shared in social media platforms.

Photography Tips

Now, surely, everyone is familiar of the VSCO app where a lot of people are using this to enhance the photos they are going to share on Instagram. And here are some filter combinations for better results:

  • FILTER: C1
  • EXPOSURE: +2
  • TINT: +4
Photography Tips
Photo lifted from Career Girl Daily
  • FILTER: C7
  • CONTRAST: -1
  • TINT: +1
Photo lifted from Career Girl Daily
  • FILTER: 05
  • TINT: -1.5
  • SKINTONE: +3
Photography Tips
Photo lifted from Career Girl Daily
  • FILTER: P5 +12
  • EXPOSURE: -2
  • CONTRAST: +2
  • VIGNETTE: +2
  • GRAIN: +2
  • H. TINT PURPLE: +10
Photo lifted from Career Girl Daily
  • FILTER: HB1 9
  • EXPOSURE: -1
Photography Tips
Photo lifted from Career Girl Daily

Here are some other tips to edit your photos through this app:

  • Choose your preset according to your style of editing. There is nothing or right as it depends on how you edit your image to give your photos in your food a consistent look and vibe.
  • Make it appear warmer by playing with the app’s temperature editing tool as per Shop Moment.
  • Expose your image but not too much. Use the exposure tool to brighten your image. Find something in between that might not over expose or under expose your photo.


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