Road Signs and their Meaning which Drivers in the Philippines Should Know

Check here the Road Signs and their Meaning Philippine Drivers Must Be Aware Of

ROAD SIGNS AND THEIR MEANING – You can check here the important information in reading the traffic symbols when you drive.

The roads can be among the riskiest places on a daily basis. Thus, government really try to ensure that the motorists are well aware of the signs that can lessen the danger in the road. There are traffic-regulating bodies in most countries.

LTO Violation 2023
Photo Credit: Inquirer

In the Philippines, it is the Land Transportation Office, more popularly called LTO, that governs the traffic rules. It is the body that issues Student Permits in driving as well as Driver’s License. It issues both non-professional and professional Driver’s License.

There are steps on how to apply for an LTO Professional Driver’s License as well as a Non-Professional Driver’s License depending on your preference. However, before getting a driver’s license, it is important to be aware of the road signs and their meaning.

Road Signs and their Meaning

Being aware of the road signs and their meaning can lessen the risk of accidents when traveling on the road. They are composed of regulatory signs which are composed of symbols that help instruct the enforcement of traffic laws.

The regulatory signs are composed of the following sub-groups:

  • Priority Signs
  • Prohibitive / Restrictive Direction Signs
  • Speed Limit Warnings
  • Stopping and Parking Signs
  • Miscellaneous Signs
Regulatory Signs

Among the road signs which the meaning drivers must be aware of are the warning signs with a recurring pattern in a triangle figure. Here are the Warning Signs:

Road Signs and their Meaning Warning Signs

The Informative Signs indicate the destination that lies ahead. These are also signs that provide guide on the nearest hospital, parking, telephone, gasoline, etc. There are widespread informative signs in the Philippines.

Informative Signs

The Expressway Signs are usually either in green or blue color. They instruct motorists when there is a mandated need to slow down for their safety.

Expressway Signs

There are also signs that are used to direct the flow of the traffic and to provide warnings to motorists regarding structure clearances. Here are some of them:

Traffic InstructionTraffic Instruction

Also among the important road signs and their meaning are the hazard markers. Most often, they can be found in rural areas with only two (2) lanes. They are indicators of possible danger in these areas.

Hazard Markers

The road work signs are symbols used to warn the drivers to slow down or merge in the opposite lane as there might be an ongoing construction on the road.

Road Signs and their Meaning Road Work Signs

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