Maggie Wilson On Posting Less About Her Son Connor

A protection order was issued versus Maggie Wilson which kept her from speaking to her son.

In a new post, Maggie Wilson continued to lament over her separation from her son and revealed the reason why she cannot speak to him for now.

Last Sunday, Mother’s Day was celebrated and on the same day, Maggie Wilson lamented her separation from her son which has been going on until now. In her new Instagram post, the former beauty queen shared some photos with her son which were taken two Mother’s Days ago.

According to her, it’s been almost two years since she last held him and 494 since the last time they spoke to each other. She missed a lot of special days to celebrate with him and added that there’s nothing more painful that seeing her son grow up without her.

To recall, Maggie and Victor Consunji’s separation was announced in 2021. Their marriage ended after 11 years and although they stated in their statement that they remained good friends and partners for their son, the following events that occurred tell otherwise.

In her post, she explained that the reason why she’s been posting about his son less is because of the notice for protection order she received. This order did not just stop her from sharing photos and videos of her own son but also stopped her from speaking and seeing him until he becomes an adult.

There are various kinds of protection orders but Maggie did not go into details about the one that was issued against her.

“I am a mother but I have been robbed of being able to be a mother,” she said.

In a message she penned for her son, she expressed:

“You are always with me Connor. Forever in my heart, in my mind, and my prayers. One day bubbah. Our time will come. I will never lose hope. I love you and miss you dearly my little man.” 

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