RIA ATAYDE PREGNANCY – After announcing her engagement with actor Zanjoe Marudo, this rumor surfaced online. Previously, her sister Gela Atayde denied this but clarified that they are trying. However, these photos revived the rumors and caught a lot of attention online.
Ria Atayde Pregnant? This Photo Intrigues Many People
Netizens speculate Ria Atayde is pregnant because of this photo.
Actress-model Ria Atayde is rumored to be pregnant and thus fueled because of this photo despite the denial.
Kapamilya couple Ria Atayde and Zanjoe Marudo confirmed their relationship in 2023. After several sightings of them together and with the actor attending events of the family Atayde, they put an end to the rumors.
Last February, Ria and Zanjoe announced their engagement.
While many people are happy about this, there are the doubters who speculated that she is pregnant, hence, the wedding proposal. Rumors about the actress being pregnant with their first child circulated online and in a previous report, her sister Gela Atayde spoke about this.
According to Gela, the pregnancy rumors about Ria is not true. The aspiring actress debunked the rumors and cited that with her PCOS, it would be a miracle for her to get pregnant. However, they are trying.
“For me I can’t say much yet. For now, no. They’re trying that’s for sure. My sister has PCOS and it would be a miracle if she has a child,” she said about Ria who is now 32 years old. This also dismissed the speculations that the actor proposed because of the pregnancy.
Gela also expressed that if Ria gets pregnant, she and the rest of the family would have no problem about it as she is already of age. Their parents are also supportive. However, despite this denial, the rumor remained persistent.
The recent screenshots that have been circulating online also fueled this.
See the photos below:
As seen in the photos, Ria was wearing a black empire-cut off-shoulder dress. It also appears that there’s a bump in front of her but this is not clear because of her dress that can seemingly hide curves.
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