PCSO Medical Assistance Coverage for Poor Filipinos

Guide on PCSO Medical Assistance Coverage for Recipients

PCSO MEDICAL ASSISTANCE COVERAGE – Here is a guide on the coverage of the PCSO Individual Medical Access Program (IMAP).

In the Philippines, although it is not known to many people, the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office is one of the state entities that you may turn to for a medical cash assistance. Its Medical Assistance Program or IMAP has already helped countless individuals who are caught in different medical situations.

The PCSO is most popular for its lotto games which draw countless bettors on a daily basis. From its earnings, it allots a certain part to help the Filipino people most especially the poor.

There is a wide PCSO Medical Assistance coverage. Here is a list of the medical stuff and situations which the lotto body can extend a cash assistance for:

  • Assistive Device including hearing aid, wheelchair, pulmonary apparatus, and prostheses such as arms and legs,
  • Bone or cochlear implants
  • Cardio Procedures like pacemaker surgery, coronary angiograms, peripheral bypass surgery, congenital heart surgery, percutaneous coronary intervention, peripheral bypass surgery, coronary artery bypass surgery
  • Chemotherapy sessions both oral and intravenous
  • Dialysis for patients undergoing hemodialysis and peritoneal
  • Hospital Confinement for those confined in a healthcare facility or discharged with a Promissory Note
  • Laboratory or Diagnostic Procedures
  • Medical Devices like pacemaker devices, intravenous and post-operative medicines
  • Non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures such as laparoscopic surgery, Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL), and other minimally invasive/non-invasive procedures
  • Radiotherapy Sessions for cancer patients receiving radiotherapy treatments
  • Rehabilitative Therapy including occupational, speech, and physical therapy
  • Surgical Supplies
  • Transplant Procedures including kidney and liver transplants
How To Apply for PCSO Medical Assistance
Photo Credit: ACI Medical & Dental School

It is important to observe the right process in applying for the medical cash assistance offer most especially if there is a timeline that must be met. Following the steps will also save you money, time, and energy.

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