New Year’s Resolutions – Tips On How To Keep Them

Here are some psychological strategies to help you keep your New Year’s resolutions. Check them out below!

NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS – Finding it hard to keep these resolutions? Here are some tips that might help you!

We are about to start a brand new set of 12 months again and for many of us, this is a perfect chance to finally apply the changes we want for ourselves. Since it’s your life, you have to own it and most certainly, you already have some resolutions for 2024.

Some of the top resolutions are:

  1. Exercise more
  2. Lose weight
  3. Get organized
  4. Learn a new skill or hobby
  5. Save more money 
  6. Quit smoking
  7. Spend more time with family and friends
  8. Travel more
  9. Read more

What yours and how can you keep it?

New Year's Resolutions

Despite the best of intentions, it is undeniable that once the vibe of the new year wears off, the determination to keep your resolutions also wears off. It’s a struggle and it’s a reality of life. According to a study, half of the people who swore to change fail to achieve their goals.

Now, what can you do about it?

  1. Do not rush.
    A change is not an instant thing. You must mentally prepare yourself to it. Try to be positive, do not make haste, be gradual yet consistent, start from small changes, and do not lose the drive if you fail in one. There’s always a room for an error.
  2. Make a goal for yourself.
    If you do things for yourself, you’d be surprise on how easy it would be to keep them. The goal should be important to you and can benefit you. It is safe to say that your goals should align with YOUR goals, priorities, dreams, and aspirations.
  3. Make manageable resolutions.
    A common mistake of many is making a lot of resolutions to the point that you’re already confused on what to prioritize. It is impossible to learn 25 languages or eliminate five habits, hence, make your goals manageable and attainable. Understand your priorities and start from there.
  4. Be SMART.
    Your goals should be:
    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Attainable
    • Relevant
    • Time-sensitive
  5. Make smaller goals out of a chunk.
    For example, if you are a traveler, you cannot instantly visit all countries. What you should rather do is list up the places you eagerly want to visit. Like for January, you’ll go to China, February in Japan, March in Thailand, and so on and so forth. Make smaller goals and focus on them.
  6. Write them down!
    Once the new year vibes wears off, it’s not just your desire and determination that wear off with it, your memory as well.
  7. Setbacks happen but get back on real quick.
    This is life’s reality. There will be times when we would fail. Change is difficult and change takes time. As mentioned above, leave some room for mistakes and setbacks.

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