Nurses in PH Remains in Unfortunate Situations for Decades Now
The authorities in the Philippines must act on the situation of nurses who get low salary amid the high risk they face for decades now.
Undeniably, countless nursing graduates in the Philippines are working for several years now. It is mainly becaue of the low compensation intended for their profession in the country. These nurses have families to feed, too, and as much as they want to deliver their services to Filipinos, they have to be where there is a higher salary.
However, what is noticeable is that the unfortunate situations of nurses in the Philippines receiving low salary despite the high risk they face daily goes on and on for decades now. It is left unaddressed for several years now.
Many administrations have already passed, countless batches of nursing graduates have added to the population of nurses, and a pandemic that went on for years has eased but the nurses remain lowly paid in the country.
I humbly believe that the authorities who are in the power must recognize the unfortunate situation that the nurses in the Philippines are in for several years now. It needs fast solutions before our country loses nurses.
I do understand the plight of nurses although I am not a nursing graduate. Their families have spent a lot for their education not to mention that it is one of the most expensive courses in the country. Many of them had to fasten their belts twice to make it to graduation, unfortunately, only to land in low-paying, high-risk jobs.
A lot of nurses in the Philippines are breadwinners of their families. Thus, they have no choice but either to stay in a low-paying job in public and private hospitals in the country or be professionally mismatched working in other fields to be able to provide the needs of their families.
It is already widely-known that the medical professionals are among the heroes of today’s generation most especially following a pandemic. Apart from the recognition, it would be best if their welfare are also well-taken cared of.
Disclaimer: The content of the article posted above is an opinion of the writer. Also, the citations provided are based on the information deemed as facts by the different legit sources that contribute to the basis of the making of the whole viewpoint. The writer does not, in any form, intend to create inaccurate understanding of the topic or influence the readers instead, express one’s viewpoint in a formal manner.