Sarah Lahbati On Intriguing Statements Of Annabelle Rama

This is what Sarah Lahbati said when asked about the issues of her personal life.

Actress Sarah Lahbati has this answer when asked about the split rumors with Richard Gutierrez and statements of Annabelle Rama.

It takes two to make a marriage work but takes one to break it. In the marriage of Richard Gutierrez and Sarah Lahbati, who did the breaking? In marriage, it will not always be rainbows and butterflies but this is where the commitment should get in.

Sarah and Richard’s rumored separation is currently rocking the entertainment industry.

There were obvious changes and it makes some of their supporters sad to see how these pair who can’t seem to get enough of each other are apart now. Annabelle Rama’s statements about the ongoing rumors involving her son were intriguing.

However, she said that she never wished for them to separate and stressed that she was not the reason for the separation. She just can’t spill the truth yet but assured that in time, people will know.

“Mag enjoy sana ang buong mundo sa sasabihin kung kwento. Gigil na gigil na akong isiwalat ang katotohanan sa pangyayari pero wala akong magawa. Abangan ang susunod na kabanata,” she expressed.

Now, amid the floating rumor and the statements from Annabelle, Sarah was asked about these. In an interview, someone attempted to ask her these things about her personal life but she chose not to make any comments.

She refused to give any reactions or statements.

“I’d rather not comment on anything personal if that’s what you’re asking dahil ‘Lumuhod Ka Sa Lupa’ malapit na,” she said. The actress is referring to her upcoming series which will mark her television comeback.

“Lumuhod Ka Sa Lupa” is a remake where she will be working with Kiko Estrada. To recall, Lahbati’s last TV appearance was in Gutierrez’s “The Iron Heart” for the series’ finale. She just did a cameo but in this new series, she is among the lead cast.

What can you say about this? Let us know in the comments!

3 thoughts on “Sarah Lahbati On Intriguing Statements Of Annabelle Rama”

  1. Nothing unusual with celebrities. It’s just sad to note that they make somehow a mockery of marriage. If marriage is not in the Sacrament of Matrimony, it still is a waste of time, of efforts, of resources and emotions. And always the victim are the children who are innocent of the wrong decisions their parents make. Truly when Christ is the center of one’s marriage, you make every effort to keep that marriage solid and working. It’s just sad that majority of our celebrities marriage are not worth emulating and not worth praising. Sorry for this truth. You’re all so full of yourselves. This is a general statement that may anger them. But since we are in the Season of Advent, it may be something that couples in this situation should reflect on. Praying for this.

  2. They will never satisfy each other…. Only Christ in each life will make marriage work.. Pity them specially the kids.


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